TA TSB-130 2003-JAN-01 Generc Gudelnes for Connectorzed Polarzaton Mantanng Fber and Polarzng Fber Cable Assembles for Use n Telecommuncatons Applcatons
TA TSB-130 2003-JAN-01 Generc Gudelnes for Connectorzed Polarzaton Mantanng Fber and Polarzng Fber Cable Assembles for Use n Telecommuncatons Applcatons
The purpose of the TSB is to provide familiarity and common usage of connectorized polarization maintaining fiber (PMF) and polarizing fiber (PZF) as used for telecommunication applications (consult TIA TSB-120 for additional information). It establishes terminology, preferred optical performance values, geometric values, and identification markings as a guidance definition for Best Commercial Practices.