JEDEC JESD96A-1 2007-JAN-01 nteroperablty and Complance Techncal Requrements for JEDEC Standard JESD96ARecommended Practce for use wth EEE 80211n-Addendum 1 to JESD96A
JEDEC JESD96A-1 2007-JAN-01 nteroperablty and Complance Techncal Requrements for JEDEC Standard JESD96ARecommended Practce for use wth EEE 80211n-Addendum 1 to JESD96A
The normative information in this publication is intended to provide a technical design team to construct the interface on a FED and a BED such that they will operate correctly with each other (at the interface level), when designed to JESD96A