JEDEC JESD8C01 2007-SEP-01 nterface Standard for Nomnal 3 V33 V Supply Dgtal ntegrated Crcuts-Mnor Revson of JESD8C June 2006
JEDEC JESD8C01 2007-SEP-01 nterface Standard for Nomnal 3 V33 V Supply Dgtal ntegrated Crcuts-Mnor Revson of JESD8C June 2006
This standard (a replacement of JEDEC Standards No. 8, 8-1, 8-1-A, and 8-A) defines dc interface parameters for a family of digital circuits operating from a power supply of nominal 3.0 V/3.3. V and driving/driven by parts of the same family. The specifications in this standard represent a minimum set of 'base line' set of interface specifications for LVTTL-compatible and LVCMOS-compatible circuits.