EIA 557-1
EA 557-1 1991-JAN-01 Gudance for the Selecton of Crtcal Manufacturng Operatons for Use n mplementng an SPC System for Passve Components
EA 557-1 1991-JAN-01 Gudance for the Selecton of Crtcal Manufacturng Operatons for Use n mplementng an SPC System for Passve Components
This guidance is applicable to general electronic components with emphasis on the specific parts shown in Appendix A.
This document is to provide guidance for the selection of critical operations in the production of electronic parts. In addition to general information, a list of possible actual critical operations which should be examined are listed for a number of commonly used electroqic parts.
It is to be used in association with a general standard for statistical process control (SPC) such as EIA-557, for the development of a detailed SPC system for a manufacturing facility. (See Para. 6.3 of EIA-557)