CEA TVSB3 1975-JAN-01 Hstory of the Vertcal nterval Color Reference Sgnal VR
As television broadcasts and consumer television receivers made the transition from monochrome to color, it was found that there were significant variations in the color characteristics. of pictures observed on home television receivers. The variations from program to program and station to station, became increasingly evident. At the suggestion of the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE), a meeting of the Joint Committee for Inter-Society Coordination (JCIC)(l) was called in 1968 to determine the most effective way to deal with this problem, JCIC, which then represented the Electronic Industries Association (EU), the institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) and the SMPTE, agreed that an ad hoc committee should be set up to:
(a) Examine the entire television system from the original scene, through all equipment, to the picture viewed in the home.
(b) Determine the origin of significant deviations in color in the received picture.
(c) Allocate to existing industry organizations questions for further investigation and resolution.