CEA EA-394 1971-JAN-01 Recorded Tape Formats for 7 14 and 21 Tracks on 12 nch Magnetc Tape and 14 28 and 42 Tracks on 1 nch Magnetc Tape for nstrumentaton Recordng
CEA EA-394 1971-JAN-01 Recorded Tape Formats for 7 14 and 21 Tracks on 12 nch Magnetc Tape and 14 28 and 42 Tracks on 1 nch Magnetc Tape for nstrumentaton Recordng
This standard specifies dimensions and tolerances for the location of 7, 14 and 21 tracks on 1/2" magnetic tape and 14, 28 and 42 tracks on 1" magnetic tape to permit interchange of recorded tapes among equipment of various manufacturers. This standard was prepared because no other comparable industry accepted document relating specifically to the subject matter contained herein is in existence.