CEA CEA-378 1970-JAN-01 Spurous Radaton from FM and TV Broadcast Recevers n the Frequency Range of 100 to 1000 MHz - Usng the EA-Laural Broad-Band Antenna Measurement of
CEA CEA-378 1970-JAN-01 Spurous Radaton from FM and TV Broadcast Recevers n the Frequency Range of 100 to 1000 MHz - Usng the EA-Laural Broad-Band Antenna Measurement of
This Standard establishes means whereby the radiation described above may be measured and sets operating conditions and specification for equipment for accomplishing these measurements. In these methods, the receiver and measuring equipment are set up under reproducible conditions as described below, and the field intensities of the various radiations are measured under specified conditions.
The methods described herein are primarily applicable to the measurement of spurious radiation in the VHF and UHF bands from those sources producing an appreciable radiated field, in the frequency range of 100 to 1000 MHz.
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