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ECA TEP106-B 1988-JUN-01 Worldwde Type Desgnaton System for TV Pcture Tubes and Montor Tubes

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This publication prescribes the administrative procedures for the orderly assignment of type designations and registration in the Worldwide Type Designation System for TV Picture Tubes and Monitor Tubes.

The term ¨type designation¨ may be applied to the original assignment of a new family or to an assignment within an existing family.

The purpose of the type designation and registration system is to ensure that type designations accurately distinguish one type from another in performance characteristics or physical dimensions.

Registration consists of assigning a type designation in accordance with the established rules, recording the assignment and its defining data, and disseminating the information to the electronics industry.

Tube type assignment and registration procedures are established jointly by three agencies: (1) Electronic Industries Association (EIA) in the U.S.A., (2) Pro Electron in Europe, and (3) EIA of Japan. In any event, these agencies neither assume liabilityfor nor endorse the use of any product which bears their authorized registration numbers. The agencies have as their primary objective the development of recommended standards. An effective registration procedure is considered basic to the achievement of that end.

Registered type numbers are not the property of the sponsor; other manufacturers may use registered type numbers if the data of their products are equivalent to the data registered by the original sponsor. It is the responsibility of such manufacturer to ensure that his device and the device of the original sponsor are equivalent.

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