ECA TEP 173 1970-JAN-01 Qualty Control of X-Radaton Emtted from Hgh Voltage Rectfer and Shunt Regulator Recevng Tubes Recommended Practce for
ECA TEP 173 1970-JAN-01 Qualty Control of X-Radaton Emtted from Hgh Voltage Rectfer and Shunt Regulator Recevng Tubes Recommended Practce for
These statistics apply to the measurement of x-radiation emitted from high voltage rectifiers and shunt regulators. These x-radiations' are considered as the soft x-ray variety emanating from the tube and produced by an accelerating potential in excess of 10,000 volts.
Purpose- To establish the statistical acceptance criteria for controlling soft x-radiation from high voltage receiving tubes initially and during life.