ECA EIA-364-104A
ECA EA-364-104A 2000-SEP-01 TP-104A Flammablty Test Procedure for Electrcal Connectors
ECA EA-364-104A 2000-SEP-01 TP-104A Flammablty Test Procedure for Electrcal Connectors
This standard establishes a test method to determine the connector's resistance to burning when exposed to a flame. Burning resistance is defined as the ability to not support or propagate combustion after an ignition source is removed. This test evaluates the time it takes for the flame of a burning connector to extinguish after removal of the applied flame, and the possibility of the spread of burning, as caused by burning droplets and after-glow. This test does not simulate any actual service application. It is intended to test a connector by itself in a condition that can readily be duplicated in any test laboratory.