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ECA 700BA00

ECA 700BA00 1998-SEP-01 Blank Detal Specfcaton for RectangularTrapezodal Connectors of Certfed Qualty

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General information

Introduction to this blank detail specification

The following pages give a recommended layout for a connector detail specification. This blank detail specifícation is formatted in a way that it can be used as a set of worksheets to create a detail specification. Ail the pages on the right hand side are the worksheet pages, and the left hand side pages are "Guidance Notes" to help the preparer to understand the information to be fiiled in.

In a generalized specification as this, it is not possible to consider ali of the possible variations. The detail specfication preparer is to use this document as a guide, adding and subtracting clauses as necessary to develop a good specification. The only requirement is that the detail speciñcation contain the minimum requirements of the Sectionai Specification for Rectangularlïrapezoidal Connectors , EIA 700xxx.

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