ECA 520FAAB 1995-DEC-01 Detal Specfcaton for Rotary Swtches of Certfed Qualty Low Current Ratng 16 Postons Maxmum
ECA 520FAAB 1995-DEC-01 Detal Specfcaton for Rotary Swtches of Certfed Qualty Low Current Ratng 16 Postons Maxmum
The rotary switches of certified quality covered by this detail specification shall:
a ) have an indexing angle of 22.5°, 30°, 36°, 45°, 60°, and 90°.
b) have maximum switch body dimensions as shown herein.
c) have actuator and mounting dimensions as shown herein.
d) have a maximum rated voltage of 115 Vac, or 50 Vdc (resisti ve circuit).
e) have a maximum rated current of 100 mA.
f ) have shaft and panel seals
g) have process-sealed terminals.