SAI AS/NZS IEC 60670.22
SA ASNZS EC 6067022 2012-APR-30 Boxes and enclosures for electrcal accessores for household and smlar fxed electrcal nstallatons Part 22 Partcular requrements for connectng boxes and enclosures
SA ASNZS EC 6067022 2012-APR-30 Boxes and enclosures for electrcal accessores for household and smlar fxed electrcal nstallatons Part 22 Partcular requrements for connectng boxes and enclosures
This clause of Part 1 applies with the following addition:
Add after the fourth paragraph:
This standard applies to connecting boxes for junction(s) and/or tapping(s).
NOTE Unless otherwise stated, throughout the document the term "boxes" also applies to "enclosures".