DS DS/EN 60384-14
DS DSEN 60384-14 2005-SEP-09 Fxed capactors for use n electronc equpment - Part 14 Sectonal specfcaton - Fxed capactors for electromagnetc nterference suppresson and connecton to the supply mans Replaced by DS DSEN 60384-14-1
DS DSEN 60384-14 2005-SEP-09 Fxed capactors for use n electronc equpment - Part 14 Sectonal specfcaton - Fxed capactors for electromagnetc nterference suppresson and connecton to the supply mans Replaced by DS DSEN 60384-14-1
applies to capacitors and resistor-capacitor combinations which will be connected to an a.c. mains or other supply with nominal voltage not exceeding 1 000 V a.c. (r.m.s.) or 1 000 V d.c. and with a nominal frequency not exceeding 100 Hz.