DS DS/EN 60384-11
DS DSEN 60384-11 2008-MAY-27 Fxed capactors for use n electronc equpment - Part 11 Sectonal specfcaton - Fxed polyethylene-terephthalate flm delectrc metal fol dc capactors
DS DSEN 60384-11 2008-MAY-27 Fxed capactors for use n electronc equpment - Part 11 Sectonal specfcaton - Fxed polyethylene-terephthalate flm delectrc metal fol dc capactors
This standard applies to fixed direct current capacitors, for rated voltages not exceeding 6 300 V, using as dielectric a polyethylene-terephthalate film and electrodes of thin metal foils.
For capacitors with rated voltages exceeding 1 000 V, additional tests and requirements may be specified in the detail specification.
The capacitors covered by this standard are intended for use in electronic equipment.
Capacitors for radio interference suppression are not included, but are covered by
IEC 60384-14: Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment. Part 14: Sectional specification: Fixed capacitors for electromagnetic interference suppression and connection to the supply mains.