DS DS/EN 60384-4
DS DSEN 60384-4 2007-MAY-21 Fxed capactors for use n electronc equpment - Part 4 Sectonal specfcaton - Alumnum electrolytc capactors wth sold MnO2 and non-sold electrolyte
DS DSEN 60384-4 2007-MAY-21 Fxed capactors for use n electronc equpment - Part 4 Sectonal specfcaton - Alumnum electrolytc capactors wth sold MnO2 and non-sold electrolyte
This standard applies to aluminium electrolytic capacitors with solid (MnO2) and non-solid electrolyte primarily intended for d.c. applications for use in electronic equipment. It covers capacitors for long-life applications and capacitors for general-purpose applications.
Capacitors for special-purpose applications may need additional requirements.
Capacitors for fixed surface mount aluminium electrolytic capacitors are not included, but they are
covered by 60384-18