DS DS/EN 60371-3-5
DS DSEN 60371-3-5 2006-MAR-23 nsulatng materals based on mca - Part 3 Specfcatons for ndvdual materals - Sheet 5 Glass-backed mca paper wth an epoxy resn bnder for post-mpregnaton VP
DS DSEN 60371-3-5 2006-MAR-23 nsulatng materals based on mca - Part 3 Specfcatons for ndvdual materals - Sheet 5 Glass-backed mca paper wth an epoxy resn bnder for post-mpregnaton VP
This part of IEC 60371 gives requirements for electrical insulating materials made by combining mica paper with glass fabric and bonding them together with a small amount of epoxy resin. The material is supplied in a flexible state and is designed for use in conjunction with vacuum pressure impregnation (VPI) with compatible impregnates. The final cured properties will be primarily dependent on the VPI resin used.