DS DS/EN 60335-2-82/A1
DS DSEN 60335-2-82A1 2008-JUL-24 Household and smlar electrcal applances - Safety - Part 2-82 Partcular requrements for amusement machnes and personal servce machnes
DS DSEN 60335-2-82A1 2008-JUL-24 Household and smlar electrcal applances - Safety - Part 2-82 Partcular requrements for amusement machnes and personal servce machnes
Deals with the safety of electric commercial amusement machines and personal service machines, their rated voltage being not more than 250 V for single-phase and 480 V for other appliances. Examples of amusement machines that are within the scope of this standard are billiard tables; bowling machines; dartboards; driving simulators; gaming machines; kiddie rides;laser shooting appliances; pinball machines; video games. Examples of personal service machines that are within the scope of the standard are card re-value machines; currency dispensers; luggage lockers; weighing machines; shoe shining appliances.