DS DS/EN 61834-5
DS DSEN 61834-5 1999-SEP-10 Recordng - Helcal-scan dgtal vdeo cassette recordng system usng 635 mm magnetc tape for consumer use 525-60 625-50 1125-60 and 1250-50 systems - Part 5 The character nformaton system
DS DSEN 61834-5 1999-SEP-10 Recordng - Helcal-scan dgtal vdeo cassette recordng system usng 635 mm magnetc tape for consumer use 525-60 625-50 1125-60 and 1250-50 systems - Part 5 The character nformaton system
This part of IEC 61834 specifies the character information system which is applicable to the whole recording system of the helical-system digital video cassette using 6,35 mm magnetic tape. This system provides the method of recording characters in many languages and moreover provides easy operation for users.