DS DS/EN 61834-9
DS DSEN 61834-9 2001-DEC-11 Recordng - Helcal-scan dgtal vdeo cassette recordng system usng 635 mm magnetc tape for consumer use 525-60 625-50 1125-60 and 1250-50 systems - Part 9 DVB format
DS DSEN 61834-9 2001-DEC-11 Recordng - Helcal-scan dgtal vdeo cassette recordng system usng 635 mm magnetc tape for consumer use 525-60 625-50 1125-60 and 1250-50 systems - Part 9 DVB format
This part of IEC 61834 specifies the content, format and recording method for the data blocks forming the helical records on the tape containing audio, video and system data. This part describes the specifications for the recording of single DVB programmes. The DVB data is delivered to the digital video cassette recorder via a digital interface or by a built-in tuner (IRD). The DVB data consists of an MPEG2 transport stream containing one or more programs.