DS DS/EN 61834-7
DS DSEN 61834-7 2001-DEC-11 Recordng - Helcal-scan dgtal vdeo cassette recordng system usng 635 mm magnetc tape for consumer use 525-60 625-50 1125-60 and 1250-50 systems - Part 7 EDTV2 format
DS DSEN 61834-7 2001-DEC-11 Recordng - Helcal-scan dgtal vdeo cassette recordng system usng 635 mm magnetc tape for consumer use 525-60 625-50 1125-60 and 1250-50 systems - Part 7 EDTV2 format
This part of IEC 61834 is an extension to the SD specification (SD mode) and covers the features necessary for the recording and reproduction of EDTV2 signals.