DS DS/EN 61834-6
DS DSEN 61834-6 2001-OCT-15 Recordng - Helcal-scan dgtal vdeo cassette recordng system usng 635 mm magnetc tape for consumer use 525-60 625-50 1125-60 and 1250-50 systems - Part 6 SDL format
DS DSEN 61834-6 2001-OCT-15 Recordng - Helcal-scan dgtal vdeo cassette recordng system usng 635 mm magnetc tape for consumer use 525-60 625-50 1125-60 and 1250-50 systems - Part 6 SDL format
This part of IEC 61834 describes the format extension, using higher compression to increase recording time and reduce running cost. While all DVCRs must have the capability of recording and/or palyback in SD (SP) mode, this extension is optional.