DS DS/EN 61811-11
DS DSEN 61811-11 2003-JUN-27 Electromechancal elementary relays of assessed qualty - Part 11 Blank detal specfcaton - Relays for ndustral applcaton
DS DSEN 61811-11 2003-JUN-27 Electromechancal elementary relays of assessed qualty - Part 11 Blank detal specfcaton - Relays for ndustral applcaton
This part of IEC 61811 is a blank detail specification applicable to electromechanical elementary (non-specified time all-or-nothing) relays of assessed quality for industrial application. It is based on the generic IEC 61811-1 and the sectional specification IEC 61811-10 and selects from IEC 61810-7 the appropriate test and measurement procedures to be used in detail specifications derived rom this specification. Morover it contains a basic test schedule to be used in the preparation of such specifications.