DS DS/EN 60318-5
DS DSEN 60318-5 2006-NOV-08 Electroacoustcs - Smulators of human head and ear - Part 5 2 cm³ coupler for the measurement of hearng ads and earphones coupled to the ear by means of ear nserts
DS DSEN 60318-5 2006-NOV-08 Electroacoustcs - Smulators of human head and ear - Part 5 2 cm³ coupler for the measurement of hearng ads and earphones coupled to the ear by means of ear nserts
This standard describes an acoustic coupler for leading an earphone or hearing aid with a specified acoustic impedance when determining its physical performance characteristics, in the frequency range 125 Hz to 8 kHz. It is suitable for air conduction hearing aids and earphones, coupled to the ear by means of ear inserts e.g. moulds or similar devices.