DS DS/EN 61784-2
DS DSEN 61784-2 2010-NOV-09 ndustral communcaton networks - Profles - Part 2 Addtonal feldbus profles for real-tme networks based on SOEC 8802-3
DS DSEN 61784-2 2010-NOV-09 ndustral communcaton networks - Profles - Part 2 Addtonal feldbus profles for real-tme networks based on SOEC 8802-3
This part of IEC 61784 specifies - performance indicators supporting classification schemes for Real-Time Ethernet (RTE) requirements; - profiles and related network components based on ISO/IEC 8802-3, IEC 61158 series, and IEC 61784-1; - RTE solutions that are able to run in parallel with ISO/IEC 8802-3-based applications. These communication profiles are called Real-Time Ethernet communication profiles. NOTE The RTE communication profiles use ISO/IEC 8802-3 communication networks and its related network components or IEC 61588 and may in some cases amend those standards to obtain RTE features.