DS DS/EN 61675-1/A1
DS DSEN 61675-1A1 2008-OCT-14 Radonuclde magng devces - Characterstcs and test condtons - Part 1 Postron emsson tomographs
DS DSEN 61675-1A1 2008-OCT-14 Radonuclde magng devces - Characterstcs and test condtons - Part 1 Postron emsson tomographs
Specifies terminology and test methods for declaring the characteristics of positron emission tomographs. Positron emission tomographs detect the annihilation radiation of positron emitting radionuclides by coincidence detection. It is intended that the test methods be carried out by the manufacturers, thereby enabling them to declare the characteristics of positron emission tomographs. So, the specifications given in the accompanying documents shall be in accordance with this standard.