DS DS/EN 61360-5
DS DSEN 61360-5 2005-AUG-01 Standard data element types wth assocated classfcaton scheme for electrc components - Part 5 Extensons to the EXPRESS dctonary schema
DS DSEN 61360-5 2005-AUG-01 Standard data element types wth assocated classfcaton scheme for electrc components - Part 5 Extensons to the EXPRESS dctonary schema
Provides the extension of the common ISO/IEC dictionary schema for the definition of concepts which are used in EN 61360-1 but which are not addressed by the information models specified in EN 61360-2. Provides a formal model for data and provides, with EN 61360-2, a means for the computer-sensible representation and exchange of all data which comply with EN 61360-1.