DS DS/EN 61338-1-4
DS DSEN 61338-1-4 2006-FEB-14 Wavegude type delectrc resonators - Part 1-4 General nformaton and test condtons - Measurement method of complex relatve permttvty for delectrc resonator materals at mllmetre-wave frequency
DS DSEN 61338-1-4 2006-FEB-14 Wavegude type delectrc resonators - Part 1-4 General nformaton and test condtons - Measurement method of complex relatve permttvty for delectrc resonator materals at mllmetre-wave frequency
This part of IEC 61338 describes the measurement method of dielectric properties for
dielectric resonator materials at millimetrewave frequency.
This standard consists of two measurement methods: a) the dielectric rod resonator method
excited by NRDguide (NonRadiative Dielectric waveguide) and b) the cutoff waveguide method excited by coaxial cables with small loops.