DS DS/EN 61334-4-1
DS DSEN 61334-4-1 1997-MAY-12 Dstrbuton automaton usng dstrbuton lne carrer systems - Part 4 Data communcaton protocols - Secton 1 Reference model of the communcaton system
DS DSEN 61334-4-1 1997-MAY-12 Dstrbuton automaton usng dstrbuton lne carrer systems - Part 4 Data communcaton protocols - Secton 1 Reference model of the communcaton system
The scope of application of the specifications of the sections of part 4 is the communication through the so-called distribution line carrier technology (DLC) on both low and medium voltage distribution network. The application range based on telecommunication processes is wide and cannot be described exhaustively in this section; application examples are: control and monitoring of the distribution network, order broadcast, control of user interfaces, public lighting, traffic lights supervision, automatic meter reading etc.