DS DS/EN 61334-3-22
DS DSEN 61334-3-22 2001-OCT-31 Dstrbuton automaton usng dstrbuton lne carrer systems - Part 3-22 Mans sgnalng requrements - MV phase-to-earth and screen-to-earth ntrusve couplng devces
DS DSEN 61334-3-22 2001-OCT-31 Dstrbuton automaton usng dstrbuton lne carrer systems - Part 3-22 Mans sgnalng requrements - MV phase-to-earth and screen-to-earth ntrusve couplng devces
This part of IEC 61334-3 only applies to MV phase-to-earth capacitive and screen-to-earth intrusive inductive coupling devices for medium voltage (MV) distribution line carrier (DLC) systems. Non-intrusive inductive coupling devices are not within the scope of this standard.