DS DS/EN 61334-4-32
DS DSEN 61334-4-32 1997-MAY-12 Dstrbuton automaton usng dstrbuton lne carrer systems - Part 4 Data communcaton protocols - Secton 32 Data lnk layer - Logcal lnk control LLC
DS DSEN 61334-4-32 1997-MAY-12 Dstrbuton automaton usng dstrbuton lne carrer systems - Part 4 Data communcaton protocols - Secton 32 Data lnk layer - Logcal lnk control LLC
This section of IEC 1334-4 covers the services required of, or by, the DCP Logical Link Control (LLC) sublayer entity at the logical interfaces with the application layer and the MAC sublayer.