DS DS/EN 61300-3-20/Corr.
DS DSEN 61300-3-20Corr 2002-JUL-11 Fbre optc nterconnectng devces and passve components - Basc test and measurement procedures - Part 3-20 Examnatons and measurements - Drectvty of fbre optc branchng devces
DS DSEN 61300-3-20Corr 2002-JUL-11 Fbre optc nterconnectng devces and passve components - Basc test and measurement procedures - Part 3-20 Examnatons and measurements - Drectvty of fbre optc branchng devces
The purpose of this part of 61300 is to measure the directivity of light between channels of a multiport non-wavelength-selective MxN fibre optic branching devices. The directivity is defined as the fraction of the light that goes from an input path to another input optical path, nominally isolated from the previous one.