DS DS/EN 61265
DS DSEN 61265 1995-AUG-16 Electroacoustcs - nstruments for measurement of arcraft nose - Performance requrements for systems to measure one-thrd-octave band sound pressure levels n nose certfcaton of transport-category aeroplanes
DS DSEN 61265 1995-AUG-16 Electroacoustcs - nstruments for measurement of arcraft nose - Performance requrements for systems to measure one-thrd-octave band sound pressure levels n nose certfcaton of transport-category aeroplanes
This International Standard specifies requirements for the electroacoustic performance of systems of instruments used to measure sound for the purpose of aeroplane noise certification, and recommends methods by which tests may be made periodically to verify that the performance continues to comply with the requirements given within stated tolerances.