DS DS/EN 50525-2-11
DS DSEN 50525-2-11 2011-JUN-24 Electrc cables - Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to and ncludng 450750 V UoU - Part 2-11 Cables for general applcatons - Flexble cables wth thermoplastc PVC nsulaton
DS DSEN 50525-2-11 2011-JUN-24 Electrc cables - Low voltage energy cables of rated voltages up to and ncludng 450750 V UoU - Part 2-11 Cables for general applcatons - Flexble cables wth thermoplastc PVC nsulaton
EN 50525-2-11 applies to thermoplastic (PVC) insulated and PVC sheathed flexible cables. The cables are of rated voltages U0/U up to and including 300/500 V.The cables are intended for the connection of domestic appliances to the fixed supply.Circular cables and flat cables are included.The maximum conductor operating temperatures for the cables in this standard are 70 °C (VV types) and 90 °C (V2V2 types).NOTE HD 516 contains extensive guidance on the safe use of cables in this standard.This EN 50525-2-11 should be read in conjunction with EN 50525-1, which specifies general requirements.