DS DS/EN 61162-3/A1
DS DSEN 61162-3A1 2010-AUG-30 Martme navgaton and radocommuncaton equpment and systems - Dgtal nterfaces - Part 3 Seral data nstrument network
DS DSEN 61162-3A1 2010-AUG-30 Martme navgaton and radocommuncaton equpment and systems - Dgtal nterfaces - Part 3 Seral data nstrument network
IEC 61162-3:2008 defines all the pertinent layers of the International Standards Organisation Open Systems Interconnect (ISO/OSI) model, from the application layer to the physical layer, necessary to implement the required IEC 61162-3 network functionality. Is based upon the NMEA 2000 standard.