DS DS/EN 61158-5-18
DS DSEN 61158-5-18 2012-AUG-27 ndustral communcaton networks - Feldbus specfcatons - Part 5-18 Applcaton layer servce defnton - Type 18 elements
DS DSEN 61158-5-18 2012-AUG-27 ndustral communcaton networks - Feldbus specfcatons - Part 5-18 Applcaton layer servce defnton - Type 18 elements
IEC 61158-5-18:2010(E) specifies the structure and services of the type 18 IEC fieldbus Application Layer, in conformance with the OSI Basic Reference Model (ISO/IEC 7498) and the OSI Application Layer Structure (ISO/IEC 9545). This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2007 and constitutes a technical revision. The main change with respect to the previous edition are Editorial corrections and Addition of cyclic data segmenting.