DS DS/EN 61076-3-104
DS DSEN 61076-3-104 2006-DEC-15 Connectors for electronc equpment - Product requrements - Part 3-104 Detal specfcaton for 8-way shelded free and fxed connectors for data transmssons wth frequences up to 1 000 MHz
DS DSEN 61076-3-104 2006-DEC-15 Connectors for electronc equpment - Product requrements - Part 3-104 Detal specfcaton for 8-way shelded free and fxed connectors for data transmssons wth frequences up to 1 000 MHz
This part of IEC 61076 establishes uniform specifications, type testing requirements and
quality assessment procedures for 8-way, shielded free and fixed connectors for data transmissions with frequencies up to 1 000 MHz, and intended to be used within cabling for information and communications technology, home entertainment and multimedia. It contains a choice of all test methods and sequences,
severity and preferred values for dimensions and characteristics.