DS DS/EN 50290-4-2
DS DSEN 50290-4-2 2008-AUG-14 Communcaton cables -- Part 4-2 General consderatons for the use of cables - Gude to use
DS DSEN 50290-4-2 2008-AUG-14 Communcaton cables -- Part 4-2 General consderatons for the use of cables - Gude to use
The scope of this European Standard is to help installers and cabling designers to understand the range of communication copper cables available. To help this choice the fundamental and practical rules on how to use these cables are established The related cables are specified in the documents issued by CLC/TC 46X and it subcommittees.
These cables are:
- telecom cables used in access network,
- data communication twisted pairs cables,
- coaxial cables used in CATV.