DS DS/EN 50290-4-1
DS DSEN 50290-4-1 2001-DEC-11 Communcaton cables - Part 4-1 General consderatons for the use of cables - Envronmental condtons and safety aspects
DS DSEN 50290-4-1 2001-DEC-11 Communcaton cables - Part 4-1 General consderatons for the use of cables - Envronmental condtons and safety aspects
This Part 4-1 of the European Standard EN 50290 gives the environmental conditions and safety aspects of symmetrical, coaxial and optical cables used for the infrastructure of communication and control networks. It is to be read in conjunction with EN 50290-1-1 and is completed by generic, sectional, family and detail specifications, as appropriate, to describe in a detailed manner each type of cable with its specific characteristics.