DS DS/EN 61094-3
DS DSEN 61094-3 1996-MAY-24 Measurement mcrophones - Part 3 Prmary method for free-feld calbraton of laboratory standard mcrophones by the recprocty technque
DS DSEN 61094-3 1996-MAY-24 Measurement mcrophones - Part 3 Prmary method for free-feld calbraton of laboratory standard mcrophones by the recprocty technque
This part of IEC 1094 is applicable to laboratory standard microphones meeting the requirements of IEC 1094-1. The principles of the method are applicable to other types of microphones. In particular, microphones which fulfil the requirements of IEC 1094-1, when fitted with a special adaptor, may also be calibrated according to this standard when the adapator is removed.