DS DS/EN 50306-2
DS DSEN 50306-2 2002-NOV-13 Ralway applcatons - Ralway rollng stock cables havng specal fre performance - Thn wall - Part 2 Sngle core cables
DS DSEN 50306-2 2002-NOV-13 Ralway applcatons - Ralway rollng stock cables havng specal fre performance - Thn wall - Part 2 Sngle core cables
EN 50306-2 specifies requirements for, and constructions and dimensions of, single core cables, rated 300 V to earth, of the following type: Unscreened (0,5 mm2 to 2,5 mm2 single core). All cables have stranded tinned copper conductors and thin wall thickness, halogen-free insulation. They are for use in railway rolling stock as fixed wiring, or wiring where limited flexing in operation is encountered. The requirements provide for a continuous operational life at 105 °C, and a maximum temperature for short-circuit conditions of 160 °C based on a duration of 5 seconds. Under fire conditions the cables exhibit special performance characteristics in respect of maximum permissible flame propagation (flame spread) and maximum permissible emission of smoke and toxic gases. These requirements are specified to permit the cables to satisfy Hazard Levels 2, 3 or 4 of EN 45545-11). EN 50306-2 should be used in conjunction with EN 50306-1, General requirements.
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