DS DS/EN 61023
DS DSEN 61023 2007-NOV-23 Martme navgaton and radocommuncaton equpment and systems - Marne speed and dstance measurng equpment SDME - Performance requrements methods of testng and requred test results
DS DSEN 61023 2007-NOV-23 Martme navgaton and radocommuncaton equpment and systems - Marne speed and dstance measurng equpment SDME - Performance requrements methods of testng and requred test results
Specifies the minimum performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results of devices intended to indicate speed and distance (SDME), as required by the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS). Is associated with EN 60945 and is based upon the requirements of IMO Resolution A.824.