DS DS/EN 61029-2-6
DS DSEN 61029-2-6 2010-JUN-15 Safety of transportable motor-operated electrc tools - Part 2-6 Partcular requrements for damond drlls wth water supply
DS DSEN 61029-2-6 2010-JUN-15 Safety of transportable motor-operated electrc tools - Part 2-6 Partcular requrements for damond drlls wth water supply
This standard applies to transportable diamond drills with water supply having a core bit diameter of not more than 250 mm. NOTE - For tools having core bits with a diameter of more than 250 mm, additional requirements are under consideration. This standard applies to transportable diamond drills manually fed, intended to be connected to water supply (water supply may include water source from a pipe or tank or vat).