DS DS/EN 61000-4-23
DS DSEN 61000-4-23 2001-MAR-20 Electromagnetc compatblty EMC - Part 4-23 Testng and measurement technques - Test methods for protectve devces for HEMP and other radated dsturbances
DS DSEN 61000-4-23 2001-MAR-20 Electromagnetc compatblty EMC - Part 4-23 Testng and measurement technques - Test methods for protectve devces for HEMP and other radated dsturbances
This part of IEC 61000 provides the basic reasons behind HEMP testing and gives a brief description of the most important concepts for shielding element testing is summarised. For each test, the following basic information is provided: - theoretical foundation of the test (the test concept); - test set-up; - required equipment; - test procedures, - data processing. This standard does not provide information on requirements for specific levels for testing.