DS DS/EN 61000-4-18/A1
DS DSEN 61000-4-18A1 2010-AUG-30 Electromagnetc compatblty EMC - Part 4-18 Testng and measurement technques - Damped oscllatory wave mmunty test
DS DSEN 61000-4-18A1 2010-AUG-30 Electromagnetc compatblty EMC - Part 4-18 Testng and measurement technques - Damped oscllatory wave mmunty test
This part of IEC 61000-4 relates to the immunity requirements and test methods for electrical and electronic equipment, under operational conditions, with regard to: a) repetitive damped oscillatory waves occurring mainly in power, control and signal cables installed in high voltage and medium voltage (HV/MV) substations; b) repetitive damped oscillatory waves occurring mainly in power, control and signal cables installed in gas insulated substations (GIS) and in some cases also air insulated substations (AIS) or in any installation due to HEMP phenomena.