DS DS/EN 50162
DS DSEN 50162 2004-SEP-27 Protecton aganst corroson by stray current from drect current systems
DS DSEN 50162 2004-SEP-27 Protecton aganst corroson by stray current from drect current systems
This standard establishes the general principles to be adopted to minimize the effects of stray current corrosion caused by direct-current (d.c.) on buried or immersed metal structures. The standard is intended to offer guidance for: . the design of direct current systems which may produce stray currents; . the design of metal structures, which are to be buried or immersed and . which may be subject to stray current corrosion; . the selection of appropriate protection measures. The standard mainly deals with external stray current corrosion on buried or immersed structures. However, stray current corrosion may also occur internally in systems containing an electrolyte e.g. near insulating joints or high resistance pipe joints in a water pipeline. These situations are not dealt with in detail in this standard but principles and measures described here are generally applicable for minimizing the interference effects. Stray currents may also cause other effects such as overheating. These are not covered in this standard.
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