DS DS/EN 50136-1-4
DS DSEN 50136-1-4 1998-FEB-11 Alarm systems - Alarm transmsson systems and equpment - Part 1-4 Requrements for systems wth voce communcators usng the publc swtched telephone network
DS DSEN 50136-1-4 1998-FEB-11 Alarm systems - Alarm transmsson systems and equpment - Part 1-4 Requrements for systems wth voce communcators usng the publc swtched telephone network
This standard specifies the requirements for voice communicator systems utilising the Public Switched Telephone Network which are in addition to those specified in EN 50136-1-1. It covers switched connections providing event driven signalling between an alarm system and a remote centre. The information will be transmitted by using a stored voice message to one or more responsible persons and/or to an alarm receiving centre succesively.