DS DS/EN 50123-7-1
DS DSEN 50123-7-1 2003-AUG-29 Ralway applcatons - Fxed nstallatons - DC swtchgear - Part 7-1 Measurement control and protecton devces for specfc use n dc tracton systems - Applcaton gude
DS DSEN 50123-7-1 2003-AUG-29 Ralway applcatons - Fxed nstallatons - DC swtchgear - Part 7-1 Measurement control and protecton devces for specfc use n dc tracton systems - Applcaton gude
This standard provides assistance, guidance and requirements for the design of protection, control and measuring systems in d.c. installations intended to provide a power supply to traction systems. This application guide identifies the characteristics and parameters of equipment used in the measurement, control and protection of d.c. traction systems. Guidance is given concerning the appropriate application of electrical protection systems.