DS DS/EN 60749-12/Corr.1
DS DSEN 60749-12Corr1 2003-DEC-23 Semconductor devces - Mechancal and clmatc test methods - Part 12 Vbraton varable frequency
DS DSEN 60749-12Corr1 2003-DEC-23 Semconductor devces - Mechancal and clmatc test methods - Part 12 Vbraton varable frequency
This part of IEC 60749 describes a test to determine the effect of variable frequency vibration, within the specified frequency range, on internal structural elements. This is a destructive test. It is normally appllicable to cavity-type packages. In general, this variable frequency vibration test is in conformity with IEC 60068-2-6 but, due to specific requirements of semiconductors, the clauses of this standard apply.