DS DS/EN 60746-3/Corr.1
DS DSEN 60746-3Corr1 2003-MAR-27 Expresson of performance of electrochemcal analyzers - Part 3 Electrolytc conductvty
DS DSEN 60746-3Corr1 2003-MAR-27 Expresson of performance of electrochemcal analyzers - Part 3 Electrolytc conductvty
This part of IEC 60746 is intended: - to specify terminology, definitions and requirements for statements by manufactures for analyzers, sensor units, and electronic units used for the determination of the electrolytic conductivity of aqueous solutions; - to establish performance tests for such analyzers, sensor units and electronic units; - to provide basic documents to support the applications of quality assurance standards ISO 9001 [1]1), ISO 9002 [2] and ISO 9003 [3].